Mega Offer | SE1 Architecture Tutorials in Vray, 3ds Max, Lumion, SketchUp in Hindi

Mega Offer | SE1

Learn 3ds Max, Vray and Photoshop with 16 different projects.. 3ds max basics to Advance Vray Render Techniques


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  3. LIVE DOUBT CLASSES (Saturday & Sunday)


Atul rankawat Uploaded by TECH N GEN

Released : 13 Dec 2020  |  VIDEO DURATION : 70 hours 10 min | SUPPORT CLASSES EXTRA 

▶You will learn industry level designing by Professional 

▶Course Includes Everything from software introduction to advance level Professional working 

▶Interior, Exterior, 3d cut views, shop and more (total 16 Project tutorials included)

▶More than 70Hrs of Project based video training

▶Photoshop Included form software introduction to to Advance Architectural Post Production techniques

**Elevation & Projects can be inspired by an Internet image. These reference images can be downloaded, and can often be given by a viewer. Like these images, the motive to make elevation again is just to learn how they can do the work in a professional way, that too in a simple way.

Tutorial Videos List
  1. Become A Architectural Modeling Artist in 3ds Max in HINDI for Beginners

    In this package you will learn Everything about 3ds max and architectural modeling techniques, its about          7 Hrs of Videos.

    Lectures :-

    1. 3ds Max Interface
    2. 3ds Max Object Creation
    3. 3ds Max Edit Poly Workflow
    4. 3ds Max Edit Poly and Spline Modeling Techniques 
    5. 3ds Max Basic Architectural ModelingTechniques
    6. Room Modeling Process By an Image Reference 
    7. Office Reception Modeling Process by Autocad Plan
    8. Props Modeling 
    9. A Restaurant Modeling 
    10. Customized Flooring Modeling 
    11. Grid, Gypsum, and Exposed Ceiling Modeling


  2. Modeling Tutorial of Ultra Modern Banglow | 3ds Max Classes in HINDI

    In this package you will learn Elevation Modleing Techniques in 3ds Max, its about Hrs 20 Min of Videos.


    1. Modeling Process From DWG (AutoCad file)
    2. Basic Structure Modleing With Spline and Poly working Techniques
    3. Elevation Designing 
    4. Final Elevation with Massing 


  3. Vray Complete Tutorials with 3ds Max, Special On Demand Classes

    In this Package you will Learn Everything about Vray form zero level, its about 6 Hrs of videos


    1. Vray Overview
    2. Understand Vray WorkFlow and Working Process
    3. Undersand Vray Lights and there Behaviours 
    4. Undersand Material Editor in Slat Mode for Advance Shading
    5. Undersand The Kind of Material "Reflection"
    6. VrayRT WorkFlow for Real time Rendering
    7. Explaining all kind or Maps in Detials 
    8. Vray Render settings 
    9. Understand Image Samples and DMC Settings 
    10. Uses and Workflow of Color Mapping, Gamma and Image filtters 
    11. Learn GI behaviour with Physical Camera in Detial
    12. Lighting Techniques on a Exterior Project
    13. Understand the Sun and Sky Setup and rigg
    14. Project based Render Settings
    15. Uses of Render Elements  
    16. Photoshop Post Production on a Project Renders


  4. Vray Materials and Maps complete training

    In this Package we covered all kind of necessary Maps and Materials, its about 5 Hrs of videos.

    Maps :-

    1. Our king of maps "Bump and Reflection" Basics.
    2. Diffuse, Reflection, Refrection, Bump, Displace, Opecity Maps 
    3. VrayMap Translucency
    4. VrayDirt Map
    5. VrayBump2Normal and VrayNormalMap
    6. VrayColor2Bump
    7. VrayDistanceTex
    8. VrayHDRI
    9. VraySky

    Materials :-

    1. VrayOverrideMtl
    2. VRayLightMtl And VRay2SidedMtl
    3. VrayBlendMtl
    4. VrayMtlWrapper
    5. VrayBumpMtl
    6. VrayHairMtl
    7. VrayScatterVolume


  5. Expertise in Vray with Professionals in 3ds Max in HINDI by ATUL RANKAWAT

    In this package your learn the depth of all the vray tools and the studio techniqeus its about  8 Hrs of Videos.


    1. Camera and Reflection and Reflection in depht
    2. Lights and Basic Render Settings
    3. Vraysky with Dome light and Vray HDRI Map
    4. Understanding Gamma with Photoshop and System Behaviour
    5. Physical camera in depth 01
    6. Physical camera DOP and White Balance
    7. Working Techniques with Light and Camera
    8. Advanced Lighting Shading techniques
    9. Basic Unwraping and Texturing in Photoshop
    10. All kind of vray maps in depth
    11. Mapping Techniques
    12. Render settings tools and options
    13. GI and System Behaviour
    14. Final Materials and Shading
    15. Working with Render Elements in Photoshop
    16. Wet Surface or Road Material Technique


  6. Typical Indian Bedroom Lighting Rendering Tutorials

    In this Pakage you will Learn Interioe Project working Pipe Line, its about 3Hrs of videos. 

    Lectures :-

    1. Interior Lighting, Rendering Basic Concept 
    2. Understand Basic Render settings 
    3. Lighting Setup techniques
    4. Materior Combination and Shading Techniques 
    5. Rendering Techniques with Render Elements
  7. Making A Roof Top Garden In 3ds max

    in this package you will understand the night lighting technique with sky shading effects 

    its about 1 Hrs of videos. 

    Lectures :-

    1. Material Lighting
    2. Sky Shading Workflow
    3. Render Settings 
    4. Photoshop Post Editing


  8. AutoCAD 3d Model and 3ds max Integration techniques

    in this package you will understand Integration between 3ds max and Autocad 3d model (you can use any other 3d applicaiton model) 

    its about 3 Hrs 30 MIN of videos. 

    Lectures :-

    1. AutoCAD Max 3D Integration 
    2. BasicScene Setup
    3. CameraSetUp
    4. Lighting HDRI
    5. Lighting Shading and Mapping 
    6. Rendering 
    7. Post Production in Photoshop 


  9. Modern House in Max 2018 and Vray Next update 2

    In this package we are working with Max 2018 and vray next 4 updated 2. its about 2 Hrs 30 MIN of videos. in this we are working from row , each and everything we make by own .. we didnt use any downloaded resources ,,, we make all materials by own and try to create some moodbased lighting ... we understand the house exterior and interior both workflow in this project. There is 7 videos in the package to learn everything in depth .. 

  10. 3d Cut View Floor Plan Lighting & Rendering Tutorial

    In this Packge we learn how to make and render 3d cut view plan .. its a very demanding view.. almost all the clients wants this type or 3d cut view of plan .. We are dividing this package in to 4 lectures. its about  1Hrs of videos...

  11. Heritage House Lighting Rendering Techniques with Vray Next 2 and 3ds max

    its about 3Hrs of videos on a heritage house project

  12. Stall Designing Tutorials

    its about 3Hrs of videos on a Stall designing 

  13. Lighting, Rendering Tutorial of Corner Commercial Building

    its about 4 Hrs of videos on a Commercial building 

  14. Kitchen Lighting Rendering Tutorials

    its about 3 Hrs of videos on Kitchen Material, lighting, Rendering...

  15. Bungalow Evening (Night) Rendering, Lighting

    its about 4 Hrs of videos on this Project 

  16. Photoshop Post Production Master Course

    its about 6 Hrs of videos From software introduction to advance architecture Post Production ........

Project Files List
  1. Practice files of all Projects

  2. Other Resources

Read more
  • Minimum i3 or i5 Processor
  • Minimum 4GB Ram
  • Minimum 2GB Graphic Card 
  • 3ds max 2014 and higher Version
  • Vray 3.6 version (if you have different version then output may slightly different)


  • The projects may be inspired by an image available on the internet.
  • Models Which we are using in this turorials May downloaded from any website, other links or may rechived by our Viewers.
  • The purpose behind rebuilding any project is that the students understand very well how the software can be used.
Nikki kachhwaha 03 January, 2022

This course is amazing......>>??

uday patil 01 October, 2021

sr. 16 projects tutorial mana parches kea .paymen b ke. lekin kaise play karen. Purchase karke kaisa play Karen koi video help keran Sr

Rajvant Singh 14 September, 2021

unbelievable way to explain … very easy .. compounder bhi operation kar de aapki training ke baad to :)

Ankita Patel 04 September, 2021

Amazing tutorials

Rahul Maheshwari 20 August, 2021

seriously amazing tutorials

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