Making A Roof Top Garden In 3ds max | 3ds max expert training In Hindi Architecture Tutorials in Vray, 3ds Max, Lumion, SketchUp in Hindi

Making A Roof Top Garden In 3ds max | 3ds max expert training In Hindi

After Modeling Everything (Material, Lighting, Rendering, Shading, Camera and Photoshop Post Editing) Coverd


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Video 1


Atul rankawat Uploaded by TECH N GEN

Released : 1 july 2018  |  VIDEO DURATION : ...........

Sir Atul Rankawat is an Professional Architectural designer and gamming artist. He has 13 years of industry-standard experience. He start working with a game industry and then switch in to high end architectural visualization.. 3d visualization, architectural concept designing, match moving, live action compositing are the key skills.

In this Tutorial Atul sir will teach your how to make some good materials and create a balance lighting to your space you will learn in this tutorial how to use physical camera and make a photorealistic output.

In the description you find the topics which included in this tutorial.. 


सर अतुल रांकावत last 13 सालो से architectural designing और Game Designing का काम कर रहे है Industry में | इन्होने सबसे पहले अपने career की शुरुआत एक गेम डिज़ाइनर की तरह की थी और आज high end architectural visualization के तोर  पर काम कर रहे है | इस industry में चाहें कुछ भी हो सभी तरह के कामो को करने में माहिर है सर अतुल रांकावत | 3d visualization, architectural concept designing, match moving, live action compositing ये अभी topics आने वाले कुछ दिनों में आपसे शेयर करेगे ताकि आप सभी industry के काम को सीख सके | 

इस tutorial में सर अतुल रांकावत आपको सिखाया है की किस तरह से एक Project में अच्छा material और lighting करके एक photo realistic output निकला जा सकता है  | इस tutorial को लास्ट तक देखिये और कोई comments और सुझाव हो तो comments बॉक्स में जरुर लिखे 

निचे Description में जो जो topics कवर होगे वो मिल जायेगे ..

3ds max text tool tutorials playlist :

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Autodesk 3ds max basic tools and interface playlist :

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Tutorial Videos List
  1. 01 Rooftop Garden VrayRendering Material Lighting

  2. 02 Rooftop Garden VrayRendering Material Lighting

  3. 03 Rooftop Garden VrayRendering Rendersettings

  4. 04 Rooftop Garden VrayRendering PhotoshopPostEditing

Project Files List
  1. Rooftop Renders

  2. Rooftop Garden File

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  • Minimum i3 processor and higher or Equivalent
  • Minimum 2 GB and higher RAM
  • Minimum 2GB and higher Graphic Card (Nvidia or ATI)
  • 3ds Max 2011 and Upper Version
  • Vray 3.6 Version (if you have lower version then output  May slightly different )
Abdul Aziz 02 February, 2021

Amazing look this garden design

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